Calvary Baptist Church has an active missions program that reaches into dozens of foreign lands around the globe. We currently support over 30 missionaries through prayer and financial giving.
We believe that missions abroad is no different in its goal than missions at home. Simply put, missions is the spreading of the gospel and the planting of local churches. While various ministries and contexts may look differently, we strive to have the same expectations for our missionaries as we have for ourselves as members of Calvary Baptist Church – to spread the gospel and make disciples of Jesus Christ in the local church. In new contexts, this means we desire and prioritize that new churches of like faith and practice be established.

The biblical practices of spreading the gospel and church planting exhort us to always to be going out and sharing the gospel, and to be growing personally and corporately from within as followers of Christ. Because we exhort ourselves in this way, this is also how we exhort the missionaries we support.