New Here?
At Calvary Baptist Church
We are glad you are planning to visit our church. If you haven’t been to church in a while or you have never been to church, then we want to help you!
We want to warmly welcome you and usually have someone at the door ready to answer any questions you may have and/or give directions. We want God’s love to be on display as you visit with those in our church and trust that will be your experience!
- Preaching – We prioritize expositional preaching! That simply means that we want to preach and teach everything that is in the Bible. We don’t worry about hobby horses and opinion; we preach through the entirety of the Bible. Every word. Every book. We want to prioritize what God’s Word prioritizes. We believe this most accurately reflects God’s command to preach the Word. Because of this, in any given service, you will likely hear us preaching about God’s glory, the gospel, and our task of making disciples.
- Singing – We don’t just like to sing; we sing because God has commanded us to sing to Him and encourage one another! We’ll also sing with instruments, which usually include the piano, organ, and or a variety of other instruments. We hope that you would find our singing times filled with praise and reverence for our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.
- More than Sunday – We invite you to call and set up a meeting with one of our pastors during the week. If you have questions or simply want to talk, we welcome you to reach out to us. We’re here to serve.
- What do I wear? – We’re more concerned with what you’ll be hearing than what you’ll be wearing! The formal/informal spectrum of our regular attenders varies. Come and visit with us!
- Children – We have a nursery with workers that care for young children and their safety. You may notice that we ask you or other parents to not stay in the nursery unless you are nursing your child. This is because we only want people in the nursery that have had a background check. You may pick up your child whenever you wish, but we do ask that only you or another parent pick up your child. We also have children’s programs that occur at different times and durations for the older kids. Please call 517-543-4028, Monday – Friday between 8am – 12:00, about any other children’s ministry questions you may have.